9:00 9:30
Reception (In front of the door of the "Salón de Grados")
9:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 11:00
Holmes in film and television on social media
Roberta Pearson (Univ. of Nottingham)
11:15 - 13:00
Film Narrative versus TV Narrative: the cases of Hannibal and Fargo
Alberto N. García (University of Navarra)
Ask cinema about character engagement in television series: The Truman show as a case of study.
Fernando Canet (Polytechnik University of Valencia)
Transvases de la televisión al cine. Remontaje e hipertextualidad en Todas las mujeres
Rebeca Romero Escrivà (Valencian International University)
Plot twisting: from cinema to TV
Héctor J. Pérez (Polytechnik University of Valencia)
13:00 - 14:00
Between Cinema and Television. The Italian Way to Transmedia Spin Offs: The Case of Gomorra.
Veronica Innocenti (University of Bologna)
15:30 - 17:00
Togetherness, Transparent and New Sincerity Television.
Irene Martínez Marín (University of Murcia)
All that Heavens Allows: From Douglas Sirk to Mad Men (Via Todd Haynes)
Valentina Re (Link Campus University of Rome)
Sterling Cooper's Advertising Executives Versus the (M)ad Men in the Movies from the 50s and 60s.
Lucía Salvador (University of Valladolid)
17:15 - 18:45
Fargo: From Film to Narrative Universe
Attilio Palmieri (University of Bologna)
Breaking Bad and Western Movies
Emre Tuncel (Bilgi University of Istanbul)
This is not TV. The Transfer of Cinema Visual Style to Television Series.
Laura Cortés-Selva (Catholic University of Murcia)
19:00 - 20:00
Universo literario en la transmedialidad contemporánea. El caso de cine y televisión y las obras de Arturo Pérez Reverte.
Manuel Palacio (Carlos III University of Madrid)
The cinematic television: which television and which cinema?
Larissa Estevam Christoforo.
Cinema and television in Quebec - narrative issues regarding movies and TV series adaptations
Sarah Jalbert
Television and Cinema – The concept of space in the adaptations of television shows – The case of Fargo
Camille Martínez
Cine-televisual systems and world-building
Marta Boni (Chair)
10:50 -12:30
The Gotham Ecosystem: Characters Networks and Visual Influences in the Batman franchise.
Ilaria A. De Pascalis (University of Bologna)
“The Manchurian Premise”: From Cold War Paranoia to Post-9/11 Trauma in The Manchurian Candidate (1962, 2004) and Homeland (2011)
Pablo Castrillo and Pablo Echart (University of Navarra)
The art of the cannibal. Cinematographic, literary and pictorial influences in Bryan Fuller’s Hannibal.
Raquel Crisóstomo (Internacional University of Catalonia)
El camino gris de Walther White: la figura del antihéroe en la ficción dramática contemporánea.
Xavier Grabolosa (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona)
Guglielmo Pescatore (University of Bologna)
The Audiovisual Performance of Ambivalent Characters in Complex TV Narration. Cognitive and Emotional Aspects.
Kathrin Fahlenbrach (University of Hamburg)
16:15 - 18:15
Puesta en escena y sentido: en torno a Calígula de Eloy de la Iglesia.
Carlos Gómez
Modernidad y ficción televisiva en la España de los años ochenta. El caso de Juncal.
Juan Carlos Ibáñez
Influencias de la nueva comedia cinematográfica de la Transición en la televisión de la España postransicional: Chicas de hoy en día de Fernando Colomo.
Paula Iglesias
Del cine a la televisión (y viceversa) en la animación española durante los años ochenta.
Ana Mejón
Amores difíciles: cuando el ‘boom latinoamericano’ llegó a la televisión.
Rubén Romero Santos
18:30 - 19:30
Musical Television: Smash and the Broadway Musical on TV
Jane Feuer (University of Pittsburg, USA)